Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma
Government Structure and Role
Population: 3.9 million
GDP: MAD$111 billion / US$11.1 billion
Geographic area (sq miles/kilometers):
17,262 km² / 6,664 sq mi
Major economic sectors: manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, textiles
Government size – number of employees: 149 (Regional Council and Regional Project Execution Agency)
Governments & Jurisdictions: two prefectures, Tangier-Assilah and M’diq-Fnideq, and six provinces (Al Hoceima, Chefchaouen, Fahs-Anjra, Larache, Ouezzane and Tétouan), with a total of 146 municipalities (communes) spread across its diverse geography
Governance on Climate Change
Key laws and strategies
In 2022, Morocco launched its National Strategic Adaptation Plan (PNSA) 2030 process, which constitutes a roadmap for the implementation of an adaptation policy coordinated at national and territorial levels, with climate risks now being factored in investment decisions and development planning. Since 2021, the region has operated a Territorial Climate Plan (PCT), which serves as regional territorial implementation of the National Plan (PCN) to combat global warming.
In terms of mitigation and adaptation, the RTTA has put in place its Regional Plan to mitigate GHG emissions, estimated at 7,578 CO2e in 2016, and is working on implementing the Priority Adaptation Plan at the regional level. A number of initiatives are already being carried out by various actors in the region, such as the Regional Council in terms of mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
The Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma region also has taken significant strides in addressing climate change through strategies outlined in its Strategic Vision for Inclusive and Integrated Sustainable Development, which prioritizes adaptation to climate change and energy transition. The region's municipalities collaborate closely with the Regional Council to develop a comprehensive climate action plan, engaging in local meetings to tailor individual adaptation strategies in alignment with broader regional goals. Under the Regional Development Plan (PDR) 2022-2027, the region is committed to 233 structuring projects, carried out under a sustainable development approach, which constitutes a transversal axis of the program.
In addition to ongoing initiatives focused on climate action, the region is increasingly prioritizing environmental sustainability and climate resilience across its diverse landscapes and communities.
Internal governance structure
The Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma Regional Council has a robust internal governance structure that includes a Department of Environment and Sustainable Development. This department focuses on climate change mitigation and adaptation, clean energy, sustainable use of natural resources, disaster risk reduction, adaptation and ultimately, climate resilience.
The Regional Development Program (PDR 2022-2027) of the Regional Council is a strategic document that includes a specific axis dedicated to the environment and sustainable development, subdivided into multiple structuring projects. This program employs sustainable development as a transversal approach in the execution of its projects, ensuring that all initiatives adhere to sustainability principles. The Council formulates and structures key projects for the environment, aiming to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change.
The Regional Project Execution Agency (AREP), plays a crucial role in achieving the objectives of the Regional Council. As a public legal entity with administrative and financial autonomy, under the supervision of the Regional Council, AREP is frequently mobilized to manage these projects. It is tasked with providing the Regional Council with all forms of legal assistance and technical-financial engineering during the study and development of projects and programs.
This mobilization of staff ensures effective implementation of sustainable development initiatives, thus enhancing the region's capacity to address environmental challenges and promote harmonious and resilient development.
Recent and Projected Impacts: MCAP Priority Climate Risks
Extreme Heat: Temperatures are generally mild, with an annual average of 17°C, but can vary from 0°C to 43°C depending on the season. In recent years, the region has experienced a higher occurrence of heatwaves, which further accentuates the negative impacts on people and natural resources.
Wildfires: The diverse geography, including mountains and forests covering over a quarter of its area, heightens wildfire risk, particularly during the summer months when the region is susceptible to severe fires exacerbated by strong winds. The dense population in affected areas increases the impact of wildfires, leading to substantial destruction of infrastructure and homes. Over the last few decades, the region has suffered from a number of natural disasters including forest fires, which are harmful to the region's forest heritage causing significant economic damage with 995 fires reported and 10,083 ha of forest burnt between 2016 and 2021. In 2023, and to varying extents, almost all regions of the Kingdom of Morocco were affected by wildfires. The greatest impact was observed in the Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma region with 182 fire incidents and an affected area of 1,620 hectares, representing nearly 40% of the total wildfires reported nationwide.
Drought: The region faces a severe drought challenge, characterized by a significant risk of water scarcity. The impact of the 2024 drought has been particularly severe, especially on the region's dams, which have seen a significant decrease of 61.28%, prompting proactive responses from local authorities to mitigate its effects.