Who We Are
MCAP formally launched in 2023 at COP28 in Dubai, with 15 inaugural members representing regions in Africa, Australia, Europe, and North and South America.
Our members play a pivotal role in guiding the direction of MCAP's initiatives, defining our strategic approach, and upholding the mission, mandate, and principles outlined in the Charter and Action Agenda. Members actively participate in the MCAP Leadership Council ensuring MCAP is a member-driven partnership.
Membership is accessible to subnational governments with mediterranean climates, working to protect their communities, economies, and ecosystems from the impacts of drought, wildfire, and extreme heat.
MCAP Co-Chairs
“Catalonia is already adapting to climate impacts, including unforeseen weather and a prolonged drought. By exchanging practices and generating new knowledge, we can respond more effectively to climate change.”
Minister of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda
Catalonia, Spain
“As we confront worsening climate impacts in California, we realize that many other places across the world are in the same boat. Governments like ours in regions with Mediterranean climates are battling intensifying droughts, extreme heat and wildfires. Now, through the Mediterranean Climate Action Partnership that we’ve come together to establish, we are helping each other adapt and better protect our people from these threats. This alliance will become even more important in the years to come.”
California Natural Resources Agency
State of California, United States
Member Profiles
Oriental Maroc
MCAP Secretariat
Resilient Cities Catalyst (RCC) is a nonprofit comprised of urban practitioners and resilience experts with deep experience working in cities and regions around the world. RCC joins with cities and regions worldwide to help them better leverage the experience, resources, and energies of their leaders, managers, communities, companies, and urbanists to realize their collective visions. Founded by executives from 100 Resilient Cities, RCC’s work is anchored in the knowledge gained in the development of the resilience movement. For more info, please visit: www.rcc.city or e-mail secretariat@medclimate.org.
Paul Nelson
Founding Principal
Sam Carter
Founding Principal
Garima Prasai
Director, Program Development & Strategic Initiatives
Konstantina Karydi
Senior Advisor to RCC Europe
Nuin-Tara Key
Senior Advisor
Ella Sahertian
Program Associate